1. Getting started
    1. Hello World
    2. Installation
      1. Tip / Nightly
    3. Acton scripts
    4. Acton Projects
    5. Running Tests
  2. Language
    1. Variable data types
      1. integers
      2. float
      3. complex
      4. Lists
      5. Dictionaries
      6. Tuples
      7. Sets
    2. Functions
      1. Actor methods
      2. Higher order functions
    3. Types
      1. Explicit types
      2. Generics
    4. Classes
      1. Inheritance
    5. Protocols
      1. Method Dispatch
    6. Actors
      1. Root Actor
      2. Lifetime
      3. Attributes
      4. Concurrency
      5. Sync Method calls
      6. Async Method calls
      7. Cleanup
    7. Control flow
      1. actors
      2. if / elif / else
      3. for
      4. while
      5. after / sleep
    8. Security
      1. Capabilities
    9. Environment
      1. Environment variables
      2. Reading stdin input
      3. Interactive stdin input
    10. Modules
  3. Standard library
    1. Regular Expression
  4. Testing
    1. Unit tests
    2. Sync actor tests
    3. Async actor tests
    4. Env tests
    5. Failures vs errors
    6. Flaky tests
    7. Performance testing
    8. Perf comparison
  5. Build System
  6. Package Management
    1. Add Dependency
    2. Local Dependencies
    3. Override Dependency
    4. Remove Dependency
    5. Fetch Deps (Airplane mode)
    6. Zig / C / C++ dependencies
  7. Security and Trust
  8. Working with Zig / C / C++
    1. Integrating a C library (zlib)
  9. Run Time System