Unit tests
import testing
def _test_simple():
foo = 3+4
testing.assertEqual(7, foo)
acton test
Building project in /home/user/foo
Compiling example.act for release
Finished compilation in 0.016 s
Final compilation step
Finished final compilation step in 0.442 s
Tests - module example:
simple: OK: 1565 runs in 50.079ms
All 1 tests passed (0.600s)
Unit tests are a good starting point for testing small units of your program. Pure functions are deterministic and are thus preferable for tests over non-deterministic tests using actors. You are limited in what you can do though, since all called functions must be pure.
The test discovery finds unit tests based on the name starting with _test_
and has a function signature of mut() -> None
or pure() -> None