Override the path to a dependency

The configuration in build.act.json sets the path or url that is normally used for a dependency. It is possible to temporarily override the path through the --dep argument to acton build.

Let's say we have the following configuration:

    "dependencies": {
        "foo": {
            "url": "https://github.com/actonlang/foo/archive/refs/tags/v1.0.zip",
            "hash": "1220cd47344f8a1e7fe86741c7b0257a63567b4c17ad583bddf690eedd672032abdd"
    "zig_dependencies": {}

Now we want to make some modifications to the foo library, so we clone it to a local path. We can now build our project using acton build --dep foo=../foo to temporarily override the foo dependency to use the path ../foo instead of the url in the configuration.